I couldn’t have imagined how many things you have to get used to when your belly gets bigger. As I mentioned in previous posts trying to get out the car has been one of my bigger challenges, but ever since my belly started protruding out i’ve been noticing all these mysterious stains that come out of nowhere! I’ll just be sitting on the couch and I look down and there is a stain, and honestly I don’t even remember if it was something that was done that day or it was a previous stain that never fully got out in the wash. It really hit home when I was cooking the other day (which doesn’t happen often) and I almost burned my belly because it got to close to the stove without me knowing. Thank goodness no one was hurt in this event but it was a close call! Has this happened to you? Do you end up with these mystery stains too? or is it only me? 🙁
Archives for August 2013
Maternity Clothes that last through your entire pregnancy…
So when I first became pregnant I was excited about going shopping in the maternity section because for some reason I remembered it being the place where a bunch of cute clothes existed …that was until you actually became pregnant and you had to try these clothes on. And then the selection seemed incredible small, nothing like you remembered it! And to top it off these clothes are so expensive, so when the tag says, it’s going to last through your entire pregnancy I thought I was getting a good deal! Here’s the problem with that “last through you entire pregnancy thing” I think you have a 50/50 shot of that actually happening, because there are a lot of things to consider here. They don’t know how big you are going to get? or how long your torso is? or how many times you are going to wash it, because these clothes fall apart too… All i’m saying is if you recently became pregnant and this is your first keep in mind you may have to go shopping again your third trimester 🙁
Pregnant Compliment?
I usually just tell my husband of interesting things people say to me, but he actually was there to witness this one. We were line at the grocery store and honestly the comic above was exactly the conversation that took place. Now here is the part where I was a little confused. Was this a compliment? Not completely sure….it kinda sounded like one, but then on the other hand it kinda didn’t? I think it’s very amusing that people just say the darndest things to pregnant people, it’s like there filter goes right out the window. So have you had any interesting encounters like this?
Guess What day it is?
Happy Wednesday! So my husband and I just love the GEICO commercial with the camel on hump day, so I had to do a “newbie mom” twist!
Here is the video if you haven’t seen it yet!!! Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike….. ha! 🙂
Kicking Patience….
So the baby has been kicking a lot lately and it seems like every time it does and I want to show my hubby it stops kicking?!?!? Has this ever happened to you? We are at the stage now where they recommend “kick counting”. I came across this interesting blog that talked about “what are fetal kick counts and why are they important” Usually the baby moves when I eat or drink anything, and i’ve noticed a lot of moment especially when I drink a big glass of cold water.
Here are some other tips from the article I was telling you about to get the baby to move:
Tip #1 Eat something. This should wake the baby.Lie on either side. Put your hand on your belly over the baby. When you count 10 move- ments you are done. The 10 movements should happen within two hours. Most women feel 10 movements in less than 30 minutes. Do this one time every day.
Decide when your baby is most active. Maybe at night or early morning. Follow the same procedure described above.
Things to remember about Fetal Kick or Movement Counts:
• A sleeping baby usually does not move.
• Most babies wake up and move when their mother eats or drinks something.
• Every baby’s movements are different.
• There is no official standard for baby movement other than 10 kicks in two hours.
• Be aware of your baby’s movements every day.
• Take the time to check movements every day.
• Make checking your baby’s movement part of your daily routine.
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