How far along? 27 weeks and 2 days
Baby Size: Rutabaga According to the bump)
Total weight gain/loss:Gained 20 pounds (151.4)
Maternity clothes? Absolutely
Stretch marks? Yep, started to get them on my milkies
Sleep: I”m just feeling really uncomfortable these days…
Stretch marks? Yep, started to get them on my milkies
Sleep: I”m just feeling really uncomfortable these days…
Miss Anything? being able to just sit and relax…getting comfortable is getting harder and harder
Movement: lots of kicking now, around 8:30 am then again around 5:30pm then again when I go to bed
Swelling: every now and again…it is 115 outside
Food cravings: Chocolate Milk and eggs…oh and those cookies and creme drumsticks, my new favorite is fruity pebbles (I know what you thinking about the sugar, but it doesn’t have as much as you think)
Have you started to show yet: Yes, no denying it now
Best moment this week: listening to Jason talk about our future child, it’s pretty comical at times 🙂
Gender: we decided not to find out (yep still not finding out)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In but it’s getting close
Wedding rings on or off? my engagement ring is on but I can’t fit into my wedding band anymore 🙁
Symptoms: Nothing crazy right now
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and very productive 🙂
Looking forward to: decorating the baby room, we just put up the crib last week! woo hoo!