Here’s a video collab as well, that we did on this same subject!
So I’m not exactly sure of people’s thought process when they ask a pregnant girl, “are you having twins?” I was at the mall the other day and one of the girls helping me asked me that, and when I told her I wasn’t she then asked, “are you sure?” ย Which made me think this girl was hit with the stupid stick more than once, but I was polite and told her…”yes I’m sure I only heard one heart beat” then she decided to tell me the scientific matter about how two heart beats can beat at the exact same time so you only hear one. Needless to say, it made me feel like the girl in Charlie and the Chocolate factory, you know the girl that ate the blue candy and turned into a giant blue berry? ย I’m not having twins and I do not suggest you ask a pregnant women that because it kinda messes with her psyche ๐
Here are some other phrases to avoid:
- “You look like you are ready to pop” Yes this was said to me when I have 14 weeks left! ugh! Made me feel like a beached whale.
- “Don’t worry that double chin will go away?” Yes this was actually said, and I forgive you if you are reading this, I told you, you would end up in a post ๐
- “Better get all the sleep you can now” I wasn’t aware that I could now bottle up sleep and use it at another time? please let me know how I can accomplish this miracle
- “Let the pregnant girl eat first, she is eating for two” okay here is the deal with this one, it’s not THAT bad, but it puts a spotlight over you when you are eating and nobody really wants that
- “Are you sure you are gaining enough weight?” You can’t win, either you gain too much or gain too little, every one seems to monitor your weight like the stock exchange.
- “You’re going to breastfeed, right?” Okay the way a pregnant woman translates this is, if you can’t or don’t breast feed you could possibly be the worst mother ever…that is a lot of added stress
- “So are you going to have more kids?” Whoa cowboy! We are still working on growing this one ๐
What are some questions you got when you were preggo?