Has your significant other ever forgot that you were pregnant, just for a minute? I’m not saying he forgets for days at a time, I’m saying he forgets for that minute he asks me to “shock the pool” or lift a piece of heavy furniture…. This has been going pretty much since I told my husband I was pregnant, and really…I don’t blame him. There are most mornings that I wake up and forget i’m pregnant. I still get a chuckle every time it happens, and I just point to my basketball size belly and smile. And the bigger I get the funnier it is to me….for instance the latest is pulling the car in the garage. Now that i’m a lot bigger I have to maneuver myself so crazy out the car that the door has to open ALL the way…so…my husband can’t just pull into the garage or a parking spot as usual he either has to squeeze out of his side or let me out before he pulls in…I’m sure you have some stories of when this has happened to you? I would love to hear them! Thanks again for reading and don’t forget to subscribe so you can get the latest post by email!
Archives for July 2013
Dogs and Toddlers
So I came across this blog that I find very amusing called Baby Sideburns and she wrote an article titled, “Kids and dogs are pretty much the same, kinda sorta” she basically came up with eleven ways that dogs and kids are alike. I was really inspired by this article because the similarities were so funny and I thought it would be perfect to do an illustration based on some of these ideas, you know they say “a picture is worth a thousand words”. I only illustrated 5 of her eleven, so definitely read the article to see the rest, and her commentary is hilarious! Anyway, my husband and I are going to have a new baby soon in 9 weeks and the only thing we have raised to this day is our dogs who we love dearly. So…that being said…I hope you enjoy the comic!
Maneuvering Pregnant
Some of the most basic things like getting out of bed can be a little comical when you’re pregnant. It took me a couple times the other day just to fling my legs over my pregnancy pillow and slide my way out of bed, my husband always has a little chuckle when he sees me try and do this. So I thought I would provide a visual interpretation for you 🙂 Thank you for reading! Till next time!
How to gain energy while pregnant
I remember when I used to go to the gym …which happened to be a brief moment in my life, but when I did I used to see these pregnant people lifting weights and walking fast on the treadmill and I used to think to myself, “that’s going to be me!” Now that I am pregnant I have NO IDEA how those women did it???? I get exhausted just going out to get the mail. And my husband is even more confused because he sees these woman at the gym ready to pop and they are energizer bunnies. I just don’t get it?
So I decided to try and find out ways to gain more energy while pregnant….and it turns out there some tricks you can do:
Tip #1 Sleep….try to go bed just a little earlier even just an afternoon nap works wonders!
Tip #2 Water…drink lots and lots of water, being dehydrated makes you tired along with giving you a headache. Not to mention it’s not good for the baby
Tip #3 Change your diet, you may not be eating that healthy and that can cause fatigue, make sure you are getting your fruits and veggies
Tip #4 Exercise, now this one is a tough for me, but even just a little walk is suppose to help with circulation and energy
Tip #5 Vitamins, make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins and that you are getting tested at the doctor. You might have low iron or anemia
Well hope these tips helped! If you have any tips that worked for you I would love to hear them!
29 Weeks Pregnant Update and Photo
How far along? 29 Weeks (it’s my birthday)
Your baby is the size of a large butternut squash. Their skin is still wrinkly, but as fat accumulates, they will fill out.
Baby’s Length: 15.2 in.
Baby’s Weight: 2.54 lbs.
Stretch marks? Yep, started to get them on my milkies, they are not getting worse so that’s good
Sleep: getting more and more tired…can barely walk around the dog park without having to sit down
Gender: we decided not to find out (yep still not finding out)