My baby girl drools A LOT! I literally have to change her oneies over nine times a day just from drool and occasional spit up! This is a whole new experience for me since I never had this situation with Ryan, he was a true binkie baby so if he wasn’t eating he was sucking on his binkie, so he could have been a drool baby but I would have never known. Anyway, I got tired of changing her clothes all the time so I came across these awesome bandanna drool bibs! They are great because they a felt backing which prevents the drool from seeping through.
Now mind you not all bibs are like this , the ones that are my favorite so far are , zippybibs, Matimati Baby Bandana Drool Bibs and Danha Baby Bandana Teething Bib
So now I just invest in some basic white oneies and just change out the bibs! It’s brilliant! 🙂